

Foundation Models – A New Paradigm for Artificial Intelligence

Meske, 2024

Schneider, J., Meske, C. and Kuss, P. (2024). Foundation Models – A New Paradigm for Artificial Intelligence. Business & Information Systems Engineering 66, 221–231.

Deceptive XAI: Typology, Creation and Detection

Meske, 2024

Schneider, J., Meske, C. & Vlachos, M. (2024). Deceptive XAI: Typology, Creation and Detection. SN Computer Science 5, 81.

When is learning “effortful”? Scrutinizing the concept of mental effort in cognitively-oriented research from a motivational perspective

Roelle, 2024

Grund, A., Fries, S., Nückles, M., Renkl, A., & Roelle, J. (2024). When is learning “effortful”? Scrutinizing the concept of mental effort in cognitively-oriented research from a motivational perspective. Educational Psychology Review, 36, Article 11.

Out of touch? How trauma shapes the experience of social touch – neural and endocrine pathways

Scheele, 2024

Stevens L., Bregulla M., Scheele D. (2024). Out of touch? How trauma shapes the experience of social touch – neural and endocrine pathways. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews (in press)

Altered reward network responses to social touch in major depression

Scheele, 2024

Mielacher, C., Scheele, D., Kiebs, M., Schmitt, L., Dellert, T., Philipsen, A., Lamm, C., & Hurlemann, R. (2024). Altered reward network responses to social touch in major depression. Psychological medicine, 54(2), 308–316.


Stress-Mediated Abnormalities in Regional Myocardial Wall Motion in Young Women with a History of Psychological Trauma

Brüne, 2023

Aweimer, A., Engemann, L., Amar, S., Ewers, A., Afshari, F., Maiß, C., Kern, K., Lücke, T., Mügge, A., El-Battrawy, I., Dietrich, J. W., & Brüne, M. (2023). Stress-Mediated Abnormalities in Regional Myocardial Wall Motion in Young Women with a History of Psychological Trauma. Journal of clinical medicine, 12(21), 6702.

Evolutionary Inquiries Into the Origin and Nature of Mental Disorders

Brüne, 2023

Brüne M. (2023). Evolutionary Inquiries Into the Origin and Nature of Mental Disorders. JAMA psychiatry, 80(6), 537–538.

Optogenetics reveals paradoxical network stabilizations in hippocampal CA1 and CA3

Cheng, 2023

de Jong, L. W., Nejad, M. M., Yoon, E., Cheng, S., & Diba, K. (2023). Optogenetics reveals paradoxical network stabilizations in hippocampal CA1 and CA3. Current Biology. 33(9), 1689-1703.

Profiles of animal consciousness: A species-sensitive, two-tier account to quality and distribution.

Newen, 2023

Dung, L., & Newen, A. (2023). Profiles of animal consciousness: A species-sensitive, two-tier account to quality and distribution. Cognition, 235, 105409.

A conceptual framework for empathy in humans and nonhuman animals

Newen, 2023

Newen, A., Griem, M., Pika, S. (2023): A conceptual framework for empathy in humans and nonhuman animals. In: Wittgenstein and Beyond, Routledge, New York. DOI: 10.4324/9781003202929-15

Chapter PDF

Profiles of animal consciousness: A species-sensitive, two-tier account to quality and distribution

Newen, 2023

Dung, L., & Newen, A. (2023). Profiles of animal consciousness: A species-sensitive, two-tier account to quality and distribution. Cognition, 235, 105409.

The ALARM theory of consciousness: A two-level theory of phenomenal consciousness

Newen, 2023

Newen, A., & Montemayor, C. (2023). The ALARM theory of consciousness: A two-level theory of phenomenal consciousness. Journal of Consciousness Studies, 30(3-4), 84–105.

Happy together? On the relationship between research on retrieval practice and generative learning using the case of follow-up learning tasks

Roelle, 2023

Roelle, J., Endres, T., Abel, R., Obergassel, N., Nückles, M., & Renkl, A. (2023). Happy together? On the relationship between research on retrieval practice and generative learning using the case of follow-up learning tasks. Educational Psychology Review, 35, Article 102.

Do students learn more from failing alone or in groups? Insights into the effects of collaborative versus individual problem solving in productive failure

Rummel, 2023

Brand, C., Hartmann, C., Loibl, K. & Rummel, N.v(2023). Do students learn more from failing alone or in groups? Insights into the effects of collaborative versus individual problem solving in productive failure. Instructional Science.

Neural dynamic foundations of a theory of higher cognition: The case of grounding nested phrases.

Schöner & Sabinasz, 2023

Sabinasz, D., Richter, M., & Schöner, G. (2023). Neural dynamic foundations of a theory of higher cognition: The case of grounding nested phrases. Cognitive Neurodynamics

The stabilization of visibility for sequentially presented, low-contrast objects: Experiments and neural field model.

Schöner, 2023

Hock, H. S., & Schöner, G. (2023). The stabilization of visibility for sequentially presented, low-contrast objects: Experiments and neural field model. Journal of Vision, 23(8), 12.

Metacomprehension in Multiple Document Reading. Can Judgment Accuracy Be Fostered by Generating Twitter-Like Summaries?

Stadtler, 2023

Schuster, C., Alef, M., Mierwald, M., Brauch, N., & Stadtler, M. (2023). Metacomprehension in Multiple Document Reading. Can Judgment Accuracy Be Fostered by Generating Twitter-Like Summaries? Zeitschrift für Entwicklungspsychologie und Pädagogische Psychologie.

Verlangsamung und Stillstand: Über eine Störung des Zeitbewusstseins und ihre ethische Relevanz

Weber-Guskar, 2023

Weber-Guskar, E. (2023). Verlangsamung und Stillstand: Über eine Störung des Zeitbewusstseins und ihre ethische Relevanz. Zeitschrift für Praktische Philosophie, 10(1).

Berechenbare Gefühle? Grundlegendes zu einer Ethik der digitalen Emotionserfassung

Weber-Guskar, 2023

Weber-Guskar, E. (2023). Berechenbare Gefühle? Grundlegendes zu einer Ethik der digitalen Emotionserfassung. In: Schweiger, G., Zichy, M. (eds) Zwischenmenschliche Beziehungen im Zeitalter des Digitalen. Techno:Phil – Aktuelle Herausforderungen der Technikphilosophie , vol 7. J.B. Metzler, Berlin, Heidelberg.

Fictional emotions and emotional reactions to social robots as depictions of social agents

Weber-Guskar, 2023

Blatter, J., & Weber-Guskar, E. (2023). Fictional emotions and emotional reactions to social robots as depictions of social agents. Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 46, e24.

A map of spatial navigation for neuroscience

Wiskott, 2023

Parra-Barrero, E., Vijayabaskaran, S., Seabrook, E., Wiskott, L., & Cheng, S. (2023). A map of spatial navigation for neuroscience. Neuroscience and biobehavioral reviews, 152, 105200.

Modeling the function of episodic memory in spatial learning

Wiskott, 2023

Zeng, X., Diekmann, N., Wiskott, L., & Cheng, S. (2023). Modeling the function of episodic memory in spatial learning. Frontiers in psychology, 14, 1160648.


Quo Vadis Psychiatry? Why It Is Time to Endorse Evolutionary Theory

Brüne, 2022

Brüne, M., Palanza, P., Parmigiani, S., & Troisi, A. (2022). Quo Vadis Psychiatry? Why It Is Time to Endorse Evolutionary Theory. The Journal of Nervous and Mental Disease, 210(4), 235-245.

Altered Left Ventricular Myocardial Deformation in Young Women With Borderline Personality Disorder: An Echocardiographic Study

Brüne, 2022

Engemann, L., Aweimer, A., Ewers, A., Afshari, F., Maiß, C., Kern, K., … & Brüne, M. (2022). Altered Left Ventricular Myocardial Deformation in Young Women With Borderline Personality Disorder: An Echocardiographic Study. Psychosomatic Medicine, 84(5), 581-587.

A Model of Semantic Completion in Generative Episodic Memory

Cheng, 2022

Fayyaz, Z., Altamimi, A., Zoellner, C., Klein, N., Wolf, O. T., Cheng, S., & Wiskott, L. (2022). A Model of Semantic Completion in Generative Episodic Memory. Neural Computation, 34(9), 1841–1870.

Mischaracterization Reconsidered

Horvath, 2022

Horvath, J. (2022). Mischaracterization Reconsidered. Inquiry, 0(0), 1–40.

Intuitive Expertise in Moral Judgments

Horvath, 2022

Horvath, J., & Wiegmann, A. (2022). Intuitive Expertise in Moral Judgments. Australasian Journal of Philosophy, 100(2), 342–359.

Exploring accidental triggers of smart speakers

Kolossa, 2022

Schönherr, L., Golla, M., Eisenhofer, T., Wiele, J., Kolossa, D., & Holz, T. (2022). Exploring accidental triggers of smart speakers. Computer Speech & Language, 73, 101328.

Factivity variation in episodic memory reports

Liefke & Werning, 2022

Liefke, K., & Werning, M. (in press). Factivity variation in episodic memory reports. In Y. Katsutoshi, T. Yasufumi, & K. Mineshima (Eds.), New Frontiers in Artificial Intelligence. Lecture Notes in Computer Science. Heidelberg: Springer.

Olfactory information encoding engages subcortical and cortical brain regions that enable sensory information processing and valence encoding

Manahan-Vaughan, 2022

Strauch C., Angenstein F., Huong, T.H. & Manahan-Vaughan, D. (2022). Olfactory information encoding engages subcortical and cortical brain regions that enable sensory information processing and valence encoding. Cerebral Cortex 30(2). 135-147.


Mechanistic flexibility of the Retrosplenial Cortex enables its contribution to spatial cognition

Manahan-Vaughan, 2022

Stacho M, Manahan-Vaughan D (2022) Mechanistic flexibility of the Retrosplenial Cortex enables its contribution to spatial cognition. Trends Neurosci. 45:284- 296. doi: 10.1016/j.tins.2022.01.007

Constructing a wider view on memory – Beyond the dichotomy of field and observer perspectives

Peters, Cosentino & Werning, 2022

Peeters, A., Cosentino, E., & Werning, M. (2022). Constructing a wider view on memory – Beyond the dichotomy of field and observer perspectives. In A. Berninger & Í. V. Ferran (eds.), Memory and Imagination (pp. 165–190). London: Routledge.



The function of teacher dashboards depends on the amount of time pressure in the classroom situation: results from teacher interviews and an experimental study

Rummel, 2022

Van Leeuwen, A., & Rummel, N. (2022). The function of teacher dashboards depends on the amount of time pressure in the classroom situation: results from teacher interviews and an experimental study. Unterrichtswissenschaft, 50, 561–588.

A Perceptually Grounded Neural Dynamic Architecture Establishes Analogy Between Visual Object Pairs

Sabinasz & Schöner, 2022

Sabinasz, D. & Schöner, G. (2022). A Perceptually Grounded Neural Dynamic Architecture Establishes Analogy Between Visual Object Pairs. In J. Culbertson, Perfors, A., Rabagliati, H., & Ramenzoni, V. (Eds.), Proceedings of the 44th Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.

Special Issue: Predictive Processing and Consciousness

Schlicht, 2022

Miller, Mark, Andy Clark, und Tobias Schlicht (eds.). „Special Issue: Predictive Processing and Consciousness“. Review of Philosophy and Psychology 13, Nr. 4 (1. Dezember 2022).

Mental Content

Schlicht, 2022

Dołęga, K., & Schlicht, T. (2022). Mental Content. In Mind, Cognition, and Neuroscience. Routledge.

Minds, Brains, and Deep Learning: The Development of Cognitive Science Through the Lens of Kant’s Approach to Cognition

Schlicht, 2022

Schlicht, T. (2022). 1 Minds, Brains, and Deep Learning: The Development of Cognitive Science Through the Lens of Kant’s Approach to Cognition. Kant and Artificial Intelligence.

Can you teach me not to be angry? Relations between temperament and the emotion regulation strategy distraction in 2-year-olds.

Schneider, 2022

Schoppmann, J., Schneider, S., & Seehagen, S. (2022). Can you teach me not to be angry? Relations between temperament and the emotion regulation strategy distraction in 2-year-olds. Child Development, 93(1), 165–179.

Dynamical Systems Approaches to Cognition

Schöner, 2022

Schöner, G. (in press). Dynamical Systems Approaches to Cognition. In Sun, R (ed.), The Cambridge Handbook of Computational Psychology. 2nd Edition. Cambridge University Press.

Mechanistic flexibility of the Retrosplenial Cortex enables its contribution to spatial cognition

Stacho & Manahan-Vaughan, 2022

Stacho M., & Manahan-Vaughan, D. (2022). Mechanistic flexibility of the Retrosplenial Cortex enables its contribution to spatial cognition. Trends In Neurosciences, 45(4), 284-296.

Reflecting (on) Replica. Can We Have a Good Affective Relationship with a Social Chatbot?

Weber-Guskar, 2022

Weber-Guskar, E. (2022). Reflecting (on) Replica. Can We Have a Good Affective Relationship with a Social Chatbot? In: Social Robotics and the Good Life: The Normative Side of Forming Emotional Bonds With Robots. (2022). transcript Verlag.

Model of Semantic Completion in Generative Episodic Memory

Wiskott, 2022

Fayyaz, Z., Altamimi, A., Zoellner, C., Klein, N., Wolf, O. T., Cheng, S., & Wiskott, L.. (2022). A Model of Semantic Completion in Generative Episodic Memory. Neural Computation, 34(9), 1841–1870.

A Model of Semantic Completion in Generative Episodic Memory

Wiskott, 2022

Fayyaz, Z., Altamimi, A., Zoellner, C., Klein, N., Wolf, O. T., Cheng, S., & Wiskott, L. (2022). A Model of Semantic Completion in Generative Episodic Memory. Neural computation, 34(9), 1841–1870.


Association between childhood maltreatment, psychopathology and DNA methylation of genes involved in stress regulation: Evidence from a study in Borderline Personality Disorder

Brüne, 2021

Flasbeck, V., & Brüne, M. (2021). Association between childhood maltreatment, psychopathology and DNA methylation of genes involved in stress regulation: Evidence from a study in Borderline Personality Disorder. PLOS ONE, 16(3), e0248514.

Cardiac parasympathetic activity in female patients with borderline personality disorder predicts approach/avoidance behavior towards angry faces

Brüne, 2021

Maiß, C., Engemann, L., Kern, K., Flasbeck, V., Mügge, A., Lücke, T., & Brüne, M. (2021). Cardiac parasympathetic activity in female patients with borderline personality disorder predicts approach/avoidance behavior towards angry faces. Biological Psychology, 163, 108146.

Development of a Novice-Friendly Representation of Camouflaged Boolean Networks

Elson, 2021

Hamadache, S., & Elson, M. (2021). Development of a Novice-Friendly Representation of Camouflaged Boolean Networks. In A. Moallem (Hrsg.), HCI for Cybersecurity, Privacy and Trust (S. 41–49). Springer International Publishing.

Ein Leben ohne Schmerz? Eine kritische Analyse transhumanistischer Anliegen zur technologischen Überwindung von Schmerzen.

Göcke, 2021

Göcke, B. P., & Sindermann, A. (2021). Ein Leben ohne Schmerz? Eine kritische Analyse transhumanistischer Anliegen zur technologischen Überwindung von Schmerzen. Zeitschrift für Theologie und Philosophie, 143(1), 26–54.

Trial-by-trial dynamics of reward prediction error-associated signals during extinction learning and renewal.

Güntürkün, 2021

Packheiser, J., Donoso, J. R., Cheng, S., Güntürkün, O., & Pusch, R. (2021). Trial-by-trial dynamics of reward prediction error-associated signals during extinction learning and renewal. Progress in Neurobiology, 197, 101901.

Data Fusion for Audiovisual Speaker Localization: Extending Dynamic Stream Weights to the Spatial Domain

Kolossa, 2021

Wissing, J., Boenninghoff, B., Kolossa, D., Ochiai, T., Delcroix, M., Kinoshita, K., Nakatani, T., Araki, S., & Schymura, C. (2021). Data Fusion for Audiovisual Speaker Localization: Extending Dynamic Stream Weights to the Spatial Domain. ICASSP 2021 – 2021 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 4705–4709.

The patterns of problematic social media use (SMU) and their relationship with online flow, life satisfaction, depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in Lithuania and in Germany

Margraf, 2021

Brailovskaia, J., Truskauskaite-Kuneviciene, I., Kazlauskas, E., & Margraf, J. (2021). The patterns of problematic social media use (SMU) and their relationship with online flow, life satisfaction, depression, anxiety and stress symptoms in Lithuania and in Germany. Current Psychology.

Suicide ideation during the COVID-19 outbreak in German university students: Comparison with pre-COVID 19 rates

Margraf, 2021

Brailovskaia, J., Teismann, T., Friedrich, S., Schneider, S., & Margraf, J. (2021). Suicide ideation during the COVID-19 outbreak in German university students: Comparison with pre-COVID 19 rates. Journal of Affective Disorders Reports, 6, 100228.

Rethinking Integration of Epistemic Strategies in Social Understanding: Examining the Central Role of Mindreading in Pluralist Accounts

Newen, 2021

Wolf, J., Coninx, S., & Newen, A. (2021). Rethinking Integration of Epistemic Strategies in Social Understanding: Examining the Central Role of Mindreading in Pluralist Accounts. Erkenntnis.

Constructing the Past: The Relevance of the Narrative Self in Modulating Episodic Memory

Newen, 2021

Dings, R., & Newen, A. (2021). Constructing the Past: The Relevance of the Narrative Self in Modulating Episodic Memory. Review of Philosophy and Psychology.

Avian navigation: Head direction cells in the quail hippocampus

Rose, 2021

Apostel, A., & Rose, J. (2021). Avian navigation: Head direction cells in the quail hippocampus. Current Biology, 31(12), R781–R783.

Working memory capacity of crows and monkeys arises from similar neuronal computations

Rose, 2021

Hahn, L. A., Balakhonov, D., Fongaro, E., Nieder, A., & Rose, J. (2021). Working memory capacity of crows and monkeys arises from similar neuronal computations. eLife, 10, e72783.

The role of spontaneous recovery effects in the context of German orthography instruction methods with delayed correction.

Rummel, 2021

Erdmann, J., & Rummel, N. (2021). The role of spontaneous recovery effects in the context of German orthography instruction methods with delayed correction. Journal of Experimental Psychology Applied.

Designing for the co-Orchestration of Social Transitions between Individual, Small-Group and Whole-Class Learning in the Classroom.

Rummel, 2021

Olsen, J. K., Rummel, N., & Aleven, V. (2021). Designing for the co-Orchestration of Social Transitions between Individual, Small-Group and Whole-Class Learning in the Classroom. International Journal of Artificial Intelligence in Education, 31(1), 24–56.

You can’t always get what you want: Predictive Processing and Consciousness.

Schlicht, 2021

Schlicht, T., Dolega, K. (2021) You can’t always get what you want: Predictive Processing and Consciousness. Philosophy and the Mind Sciences

State-Dependent Memory in Infants.

Schneider, 2021

Seehagen, S., Schneider, S., Sommer, K., La Rocca, L., & Konrad, C. (2021). State-Dependent Memory in Infants. Child Development, 92(2), 578–585.

Consequences of exposure to the thin ideal in mass media depend on moderators in young women: An experimental study.

Schneider, 2021

Munsch, S., Messerli-Bürgy, N., Meyer, A. H., Humbel, N., Schopf, K., Wyssen, A., Forrer, F., Biedert, E., Lennertz, J., Trier, S., Isenschmid, B., Milos, G., Claussen, M., Whinyates, K., Adolph, D., Margraf, J., Assion, H.-J., Teismann, T., Ueberberg, B., … Schneider, S. (2021). Consequences of exposure to the thin ideal in mass media depend on moderators in young women: An experimental study. Journal of Abnormal Psychology, 130(5), 498–511.

Inside Document Models: Role of Source Attributes in Readers’ Integration of Multiple Text Contents.

Stadtler, 2021

Rouet, J.-F., Saux, G., Ros, C., Stadtler, M., Vibert, N., & Britt, M. A. (2021). Inside Document Models: Role of Source Attributes in Readers’ Integration of Multiple Text Contents. Discourse Processes, 58(1), 60–79.

Information Easiness Affects Non-experts’ Evaluation of Scientific Claims About Which They Hold Prior Beliefs

Stadtler, 2021

Scharrer, L., Bromme, R., & Stadtler, M. (2021). Information Easiness Affects Non-experts’ Evaluation of Scientific Claims About Which They Hold Prior Beliefs. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 678313.

Higher functional connectivity between prefrontal regions and the dorsal attention network predicts absence of renewal.

Tegenthoff, 2021

Lissek, S., & Tegenthoff, M. (2021). Higher functional connectivity between prefrontal regions and the dorsal attention network predicts absence of renewal. Behavioural Brain Research, 412, 113413.

Visual and Tactile Sensory Systems Share Common Features in Object Recognition.

Tegenthoff, 2021

Tabrik, S., Behroozi, M., Schlaffke, L., Heba, S., Lenz, M., Lissek, S., Güntürkün, O., Dinse, H. R., & Tegenthoff, M. (2021). Visual and Tactile Sensory Systems Share Common Features in Object Recognition. eNeuro, 8(5), ENEURO.0101-21.2021.

How to feel about emotionalized artificial intelligence? When robot pets, holograms, and chatbots become affective partners

Weber-Guskar, 2021

Weber-Guskar, E. (2021). How to feel about emotionalized artificial intelligence? When robot pets, holograms, and chatbots become affective partners. Ethics and Information Technology.

Drohen mit dem Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz neue Menschenwürdeverletzungen?

Weber-Guskar, 2021

Weber-Guskar, E. (2021). Drohen mit dem Einsatz von Künstlicher Intelligenz neue Menschenwürdeverletzungen? In R. Kipke, N. Röttger, J. Wagner, & A. K. v. Wedelstaedt (Hrsg.), ZusammenDenken: Festschrift für Ralf Stoecker (S. 227–247). Springer Fachmedien.

How does an emotional culture of joy cultivate team resilience? A sociocognitive perspective

Weiss, 2021

Hartmann, S., Weiss, M., Hoegl, M., & Carmeli, A. (2021). How does an emotional culture of joy cultivate team resilience? A sociocognitive perspective. Journal of Organizational Behavior, 42(3), 313–331.

The Cost of the Epistemic Step: Investigating Scalar Implicatures in Full and Partial Information Contexts

Werning, 2021

Spychalska, M., Reimer, L., Schumacher, P. B., & Werning, M. (2021). The Cost of the Epistemic Step: Investigating Scalar Implicatures in Full and Partial Information Contexts. Frontiers in Psychology, 12, 2133.

Improving sensory representations using episodic memory

Wiskott, 2021

Görler, R., Wiskott, L., & Cheng, S. (2020). Improving sensory representations using episodic memory. Hippocampus, 30(6), 638–656.

Stress research during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond.

Wolf, 2021

Pfeifer, L. S., Heyers, K., Ocklenburg, S., & Wolf, O. T. (2021). Stress research during the COVID-19 pandemic and beyond. Neuroscience & Biobehavioral Reviews, 131, 581–596.


Tracking Selective Rehearsal and Active Inhibition of Memory Traces in Directed Forgetting

Axmacher, 2020

Fellner, M.-C., Waldhauser, G. T., & Axmacher, N. (2020). Tracking Selective Rehearsal and Active Inhibition of Memory Traces in Directed Forgetting. Current Biology.

Schizophrenia as parasitic behavior manipulation: Can we put together the pieces of an evolutionary puzzle?

Brüne, 2020

Brüne, M. (2020). Schizophrenia as parasitic behavior manipulation: Can we put together the pieces of an evolutionary puzzle? World Psychiatry : Official Journal of the World Psychiatric Association (WPA), 19(1), 119–120.

Exploring nonverbal synchrony in borderline personality disorder: A double-blind placebo-controlled study using oxytocin

Brüne, 2020

Ramseyer, F., Ebert, A., Roser, P., Edel, M.-A., Tschacher, W., & Brüne, M. (2020). Exploring nonverbal synchrony in borderline personality disorder: A double-blind placebo-controlled study using oxytocin. British Journal of Clinical Psychology, 59(2), 186–207.

Improving sensory representations using episodic memory

Cheng, 2020

Görler, R., Wiskott, L., & Cheng, S. (2020). Improving sensory representations using episodic memory. Hippocampus, 30(6), 638–656.

Creative manual code obfuscation as a countermeasure against software reverse engineering.

Elson, 2020

Hamadache, S., & Elson, M. (2020). Creative Manual Code Obfuscation as a Countermeasure Against Software Reverse Engineering. In I. Corradini, E. Nardelli, & T. Ahram (Hrsg.), Advances in Human Factors in Cybersecurity (S. 3–8). Springer International Publishing.

The impact of inducing troubleshooting strategies via visual aids on performance in a computerized digital network task

Elson, 2020

Bordewieck, M., & Elson, M. (2020). The impact of inducing troubleshooting strategies via visual aids on performance in a computerized digital network task. Applied Cognitive Psychology, n/a(n/a).

Artificial Intelligence: Reflections in Philosophy, Theology, and the Social Sciences.

Göcke, 2020

Göcke, B. P., & Pütten, A. R. der. (2020). Artificial Intelligence: Reflections in Philosophy, Theology, and the Social Sciences. mentis.

A cortex-like canonical circuit in the avian forebrain.

Güntürkün, 2020

Stacho, M., Herold, C., Rook, N., Wagner, H., Axer, M., Amunts, K., & Güntürkün, O. (2020). A cortex-like canonical circuit in the avian forebrain. Science, 369(6511).

Brain Lateralization: A Comparative Perspective

Güntürkün, 2020

Güntürkün, O., Ströckens, F., & Ocklenburg, S. (2020). Brain Lateralization: A Comparative Perspective. Physiological Reviews, 100(3), 1019–1063.

Understanding as a Source of Justification

Horvath, 2020

Horvath, J. (2020). Understanding as a Source of Justification. Mind, 129(514), 509–534.

Intuitive Expertise and Irrelevant Options

Horvath, 2020

Wiegmann, A., Horvath, J., & Meyer, K. (2018). Intuitive Expertise and Irrelevant Options.

Audiovisual Speaker Tracking Using Nonlinear Dynamical Systems With Dynamic Stream Weights

Kolossa, 2020

Schymura, C., & Kolossa, D. (2020). Audiovisual Speaker Tracking Using Nonlinear Dynamical Systems With Dynamic Stream Weights. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 28, 1065–1078.

Stress genomics revisited: Gene co-expression analysis identifies molecular signatures associated with childhood adversity

Kumsta, 2020

Dieckmann, L., Cole, S., & Kumsta, R. (2020). Stress genomics revisited: Gene co-expression analysis identifies molecular signatures associated with childhood adversity. Translational Psychiatry, 10(1), 1–11.

Early childhood deprivation is associated with alterations in adult brain structure despite subsequent environmental enrichment

Kumsta, 2020

Mackes, N., Golm, D., Sarkar, S., Kumsta, R., Rutter, M., Fairchild, G. F., Mehta, M. A., & Sonuga-Barke, E. (2020). Early childhood deprivation is associated with alterations in adult brain structure despite subsequent environmental enrichment. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

Cerebellar-hippocampal processing in passive perception of visuospatial change: An ego- and allocentric axis?

Manahan-Vaughan, 2020

Hauser, M. F. A., Heba, S., Schmidt‐Wilcke, T., Tegenthoff, M., & Manahan‐Vaughan, D. (2020). Cerebellar-hippocampal processing in passive perception of visuospatial change: An ego- and allocentric axis? Human Brain Mapping, 41(5), 1153–1166.

Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity, Spatial Memory, and Neurotransmitter Receptor Expression Are Profoundly Altered by Gradual Loss of Hearing Ability

Manahan-Vaughan, 2020

Beckmann, D., Feldmann, M., Shchyglo, O., & Manahan-Vaughan, D. (2020). Hippocampal Synaptic Plasticity, Spatial Memory, and Neurotransmitter Receptor Expression Are Profoundly Altered by Gradual Loss of Hearing Ability. Cerebral Cortex, 30(8), 4581–4596.

Binaural Direct-to-Reverberant Energy Ratio and Speaker Distance Estimation.

Martin, 2020

Zohourian, M., & Martin, R. (2020). Binaural Direct-to-Reverberant Energy Ratio and Speaker Distance Estimation. IEEE/ACM Transactions on Audio, Speech, and Language Processing, 28, 92–104.

Harmonic/Percussive Sound Separation and Spectral Complexity Reduction of Music Signals for Cochlear Implant Listeners.

Martin, 2020

Lentz, B., Nagathil, A., Gauer, J., & Martin, R. (2020). Harmonic/Percussive Sound Separation and Spectral Complexity Reduction of Music Signals for Cochlear Implant Listeners. ICASSP 2020 – 2020 IEEE International Conference on Acoustics, Speech and Signal Processing (ICASSP), 8713–8717.

The Situational Mental File Account of the False Belief Tasks: A New Solution of the Paradox of False Belief Understanding.

Newen, 2020

Newen, A., & Wolf, J. (2020). The Situational Mental File Account of the False Belief Tasks: A New Solution of the Paradox of False Belief Understanding. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1-28.

How to ascribe beliefs to animals.

Newen, 2020

Starzak, T.,& Newen, A. (2020). How to ascribe beliefs to animals. Mind & Language, 1-19.

Do examples of failure effectively prepare students for learning from subsequent instruction?

Rummel, 2020

Hartmann, C., Gog, T. van, & Rummel, N. (2020). Do examples of failure effectively prepare students for learning from subsequent instruction? Applied Cognitive Psychology, n/a(n/a).

Measuring causality between collaborative and individual gaze metrics for collaborative problem‐solving with intelligent tutoring systems

Rummel, 2020

Hartmann, C., Gog, T. van, & Rummel, N. (2020). Do examples of failure effectively prepare students for learning from subsequent instruction? Applied Cognitive Psychology, n/a(n/a).

Explaining or redefining mindreading?

Schlicht, 2020

Dołęga, K., Schlicht, T., & Dennett, D. C. (2020). Explaining or redefining mindreading? Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 43.

Determining the Function of Social Referencing: The Role of Familiarity and Situational Threat

Schneider, 2020

Ehli, S., Wolf, J., Newen, A., Schneider, S., & Voigt, B. (2020). Determining the Function of Social Referencing: The Role of Familiarity and Situational Threat. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 3474.

Grounding Spatial Language in Perception by Combining Concepts in a Neural Dynamic Architecture

Schöner, 2020

Sabinasz, D., Richter, M., Lins, J., & Schöner, G. (2020). Grounding Spatial Language in Perception by Combining Concepts in a Neural Dynamic Architecture. In Proceedings of 42nd Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society.

Are frequent users of social network sites good information evaluators?: An investigation of adolescents’ sourcing abilities.

Stadtler, 2020

Macedo, M. M. K., González, L. S., Ros, C., Escoda, A. P., Stadtler, M., & Rouet, J. F. (2020). Are frequent users of social network sites good information evaluators?: An investigation of adolescents’ sourcing abilities. Journal for the Study of Education and Development, Infancia y Aprendizaje, 43(1), 101–138.

Deciding with dignity: The account of human dignity as an attitude and its implications for assisted suicide.

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Weber‐Guskar, E. (2020). Deciding with dignity: The account of human dignity as an attitude and its implications for assisted suicide. Bioethics, 34(1), 135–141.

Predicting the Past from Minimal Traces: Episodic Memory and its Distinction from Imagination and Preservation

Werning, 2020

Werning, M. (2020). Predicting the Past from Minimal Traces: Episodic Memory and its Distinction from Imagination and Preservation. Review of Philosophy and Psychology, 1-33.


Hippocampal theta phases organize the reactivation of large-scale electrophysiological representations during goal-directed navigation

Axmacher, 2019

Kunz, L., Wang, L., Lachner-Piza, D., Zhang, H., Brandt, A., Dümpelmann, M., Reinacher, P. C., Coenen, V. A., Chen, D., Wang, W.-X., Zhou, W., Liang, S., Grewe, P., Bien, C. G., Bierbrauer, A., Navarro Schröder, T., Schulze-Bonhage, A., & Axmacher, N. (2019). Hippocampal theta phases organize the reactivation of large-scale electrophysiological representations during goal-directed navigation. Science Advances, 5(7), eaav8192.

Emotion identification among people with serious mental illnesses: the role of specific emotions and sex

Brüne, 2019

Hasson-Ohayon, I., Mashiach-Eizenberg, M., Lavi-Rotenberg, A., Brüne, M., & Roe, D. (2019). Emotion identification among people with serious mental illnesses: The role of specific emotions and sex. Psychiatry Research. Advance online publication.

The association between childhood maltreatment and empathic perspective taking is moderated by the 5-HTT linked polymorphic region: Another example of “differential susceptibility”

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Flasbeck, V., Moser, D., Pakusch, J., Kumsta, R., & Brüne, M. (2019). The association between childhood maltreatment and empathic perspective taking is moderated by the 5-HTT linked polymorphic region: Another example of “differential susceptibility”. PLOS ONE, 14(12), e0226737.

The Oxford handbook of evolutionary medicine

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Brüne, M., & Schiefenhövel, W. (Eds.). (2019). The Oxford handbook of evolutionary medicine. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

How foraging works: Uncertainty magnifies food-seeking motivation

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Anselme P, Güntürkün O.
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Experimental ordinary language philosophy: a cross-linguistic study of defeasible default inferences

Horvath, 2019

Fischer, E., Engelhardt, P. E., Horvath, J., & Ohtani, H. (2019). Experimental ordinary language philosophy: a cross-linguistic study of defeasible default inferences. Synthese, 72(7), 271.

Early Loss of Vision Results in Extensive Reorganization of Plasticity-Related Receptors and Alterations in Hippocampal Function That Extend Through Adulthood

Manahan-Vaughan, 2019

Feldmann, M., Beckmann, D., Eysel, U. T., & Manahan-Vaughan, D. (2019). Early Loss of Vision Results in Extensive Reorganization of Plasticity-Related Receptors and Alterations in Hippocampal Function That Extend Through Adulthood. Cerebral Cortex, 29(2), 892–905.

Event-related potentials evoked by passive visuospatial perception in rats and humans reveal common denominators in information processing

Manahan-Vaughan, 2019

Hauser, M. F. A., Wiescholleck, V., Colitti-Klausnitzer, J., Bellebaum, C., & Manahan-Vaughan, D. (2019). Event-related potentials evoked by passive visuospatial perception in rats and humans reveal common denominators in information processing. Brain Structure and Function, 224(4), 1583–1597.

A role for the prefrontal cortex in supporting singular demonstrative reference.

Newen, 2019

Nogueira de Carvalho, F.,&Newen, A. (2019). A role for the prefrontal cortex in supporting singular demonstrative reference. Journal of Consciousness Studies,26(11-12), 133-156

The Dynamics of Neural Populations Capture the Laws of the Mind

Schöner, 2019

Schöner, G. (2019). The Dynamics of Neural Populations Capture the Laws of the Mind. Topics in Cognitive Science, n/a(n/a).

Sleep-dependent selective imitation in infants

Seehagen, 2019

Konrad, C., Dirks, N. D., Warmuth, A., Herbert, J. S., Schneider, S., & Seehagen, S. (2019). Sleep-dependent selective imitation in infants. Journal of Sleep Research, 28(1), e12777.

Remembering in the context of internal states: the role of sleep for infant memory

Seehagen, 2019

Seehagen, S., Zmyj, N., & Herbert, J. S. (2019). Remembering in the Context of Internal States: The Role of Sleep for Infant Memory. Child Development Perspectives, 17, 240.

Judging scientific information: Does source evaluation prevent the seductive effect of text easiness?

Stadtler, 2019

Scharrer, L., Stadtler, M., & Bromme, R. (2019). Judging scientific information: Does source evaluation prevent the seductive effect of text easiness? Learning and Instruction, 63, 101215.

How Relevance Affects Understanding of Conflicts Between Multiple Documents: An Eye-Tracking Study

Stadtler, 2019

Stadtler, M., Scharrer, L., & Bromme, R. (2019). How Relevance Affects Understanding of Conflicts Between Multiple Documents: An Eye-Tracking Study. Reading Research Quarterly, n/a(n/a).

Investigating the Comprehension of Negated Sentences Employing World Knowledge: An Event-Related Potential Study.

Werning, 2019

Haase, V., Spychalska, M., & Werning, M. (2019). Investigating the Comprehension of Negated Sentences Employing World Knowledge: An Event-Related Potential Study. Frontiers in Psychology, 10.

Relevance vs similarity: Bayesian pragmatics provides the best quantitative model for EEG and cloze data on contextual modulation in a predictive completion task

Werning, 2019

Werning, M., Unterhuber, M., Wiedemann, G. (2019). Relevance vs Similarity: Bayesian Pragmatics Provides the Best Quantitative Model for EEG and Cloze Data on Contextual Modulation in a Predictive Completion Task. Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 41 (forthcoming).

When numbers are not exact: ambiguity and prediction in the processing of sentences with bare numerals

Werning, 2019

Spychalska, M., Kontinen, J., Noveck, I., Reimer, L., & Werning, M. (2019). When numbers are not exact: Ambiguity and prediction in the processing of sentences with bare numerals. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition, 45(7), 1177–1204.


Endogenous oxytocin is associated with the experience of compassion and recalled upbringing in Borderline Personality Disorder

Brüne, 2018

Ebert, A., Edel, M.-A., Gilbert, P., & Brüne, M. (2018). Endogenous oxytocin is associated with the experience of compassion and recalled upbringing in Borderline Personality Disorder. Depression and Anxiety, 35(1), 50–57.

Understanding another person’s emotions – an interdisciplinary research approach

Brüne, 2018

Juckel, G., Heinisch, C., Welpinghus, A., & Brüne, M. (2018). Understanding Another Person’s Emotions-An Interdisciplinary Research Approach. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 9, 414.

Retaliation or selfishness? An rTMS investigation of the role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in prosocial motives

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Müller-Leinß, J.-M., Enzi, B., Flasbeck, V., & Brüne, M. (2018). Retaliation or selfishness? An rTMS investigation of the role of the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in prosocial motives. Social Neuroscience, 13(6), 701–709.

Diffusion markers of dendritic density and arborization in gray matter predict differences in intelligence

Güntürkün, 2018

Genç, E., Fraenz, C., Schlüter, C., Friedrich, P., Hossiep, R., Voelkle, M. C., Güntürkün, O., … Jung, R. E. (2018). Diffusion markers of dendritic density and arborization in gray matter predict differences in intelligence. Nature Communications, 9(1), 1905.

Philosophical analysis: the concept grounding view

Horvath, 2018

Horvath, J. (2018). Philosophical Analysis: The Concept Grounding View. Philosophy and Phenomenological Research, 97(3), 724–750.

Adversarial attacks against automatic speech recognition systems via psychoacoustic hiding

Kolossa, 2018

Schönherr, L., Kohls, K., Zeiler, S., Holz, T., & Kolossa, D. (2018). Adversarial Attacks Against Automatic Speech Recognition Systems via Psychoacoustic Hiding. Retrieved from

Adversarial Attacks Against Automatic Speech Recognition Systems via Psychoacoustic Hiding

Kolossa, 2018

Schönherr, L., Kohls, K., Zeiler, S., Holz, T., & Kolossa, D. (2018). Adversarial Attacks Against Automatic Speech Recognition Systems via Psychoacoustic Hiding. arXiv:1808.05665 [cs, eess].

The embodied self, the pattern theory of self, and the predictive mind

Newen, 2018

Newen, A. (2018). The Embodied Self, the Pattern Theory of Self, and the Predictive Mind. Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 2270.

The Oxford Handbook of 4e cognition

Newen, 2018

Newen, A., Bruin, L. d., & Gallagher, S. (Eds.). (2018). The Oxford handbook of 4E cognition (First edition). Oxford, New York, NY: Oxford University Press.

A methodological dilemma for investigating consciousness empirically

Schlicht, 2018

Schlicht, T. (2018). A methodological dilemma for investigating consciousness empirically. Consciousness and Cognition, 66, 91–100.

Does separating intentionality from mental representation imply radical enactivism?

Schlicht, 2018

Schlicht, T. (2018). Does Separating Intentionality From Mental Representation Imply Radical Enactivism? Frontiers in Psychology, 9, 1497.

Death anxiety and depression in amyotrophic lateral sclerosis patients and their primary caregivers

Tegenthoff, 2018

Grabler, M. R., Weyen, U., Juckel, G., Tegenthoff, M., & Mavrogiorgou-Juckel, P. (2018). Death Anxiety and Depression in Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis Patients and Their Primary Caregivers. Frontiers in Neurology, 9, 1035.

The effects of dopaminergic D2-like receptor stimulation upon behavioral and neural correlates of renewal depend on individual context processing propensities

Tegenthoff, 2018

Lissek, S., Glaubitz, B., Klass, A., & Tegenthoff, M. (2018). The effects of dopaminergic D2-like receptor stimulation upon behavioral and neural correlates of renewal depend on individual context processing propensities. NeuroImage, 169, 69–79.

Evidence for single-type semantics: An alternative to e/t-based dual-type semantics

Werning, 2018

Liefke, K., & Werning, M. (2018). Evidence for Single-Type Semantics—An Alternative To e/t-based Dual-Type Semantics. Journal of Semantics, 77, 107.

Doing without metarepresentation: Scenario construction explains the epistemic generativity and privileged status of episodic memory

Werning, 2018

Werning, M., & Cheng, S. (2018). Doing without metarepresentation: Scenario construction explains the epistemic generativity and privileged status of episodic memory. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 41, e34.

When numbers are not exact: Ambiguity and prediction in the processing of sentences with bare numerals

Werning, 2018

Spychalska, M., Kontinen, J., Noveck, I., Reimer, L., & Werning, M. (2018). When numbers are not exact: Ambiguity and prediction in the processing of sentences with bare numerals. Journal of Experimental Psychology. Learning, Memory, and Cognition. Advance online publication.

Storage fidelity for sequence memory in the hippocampal circuit

Wiskott, 2018

Bayati, M., Neher, T., Melchior, J., Diba, K., Wiskott, L., & Cheng, S. (2018). Storage fidelity for sequence memory in the hippocampal circuit. PloS One, 13(10), e0204685.

The interaction between semantic representation and episodic memory

Wiskott, 2018

Fang, J., Rüther, N., Bellebaum, C., Wiskott, L., & Cheng, S. (2018). The Interaction between Semantic Representation and Episodic Memory. Neural Computation, 30(2), 293–332.

How stress and glucocorticoids timing-dependently affect extinction and relapse

Wolf, 2018

Meir Drexler, S., Merz, C. J., Jentsch, V. L., & Wolf, O. T. (2018). How stress and glucocorticoids timing-dependently affect extinction and relapse. Neuroscience and Biobehavioral Reviews, 98, 145–153.


Taxonomy and unity of memory

Cheng, 2017

Werning, M., & Cheng, S. (2017). Taxonomy and Unity of Memory. In: Bernecker, S., & Michaelian, K. (Eds.) Routledge Handbook of Philosophy of Memory (pp 7-20). New York: Routledge.

Ontogenesis of lateralization

Güntürkün, 2017

Güntürkün, O., & Ocklenburg, S. (2017). Ontogenesis of Lateralization. Neuron, 94(2), 249–263.

Toward improved audio CAPTCHAs based on auditory perception and language understanding

Kolossa, 2017

Meutzner, H., Gupta, S., Nguyen, V.-H., Holz, T., & Kolossa, D. (2017). Toward Improved Audio CAPTCHAs Based on Auditory Perception and Language Understanding. ACM Transactions on Privacy and Security, 19(4), 1–31.

Child-to-adult neurodevelopmental and mental health trajectories after early life deprivation: the young adult follow-up of the longitudinal English and Romanian adoptees study

Kumsta, 2017

Sonuga-Barke, E. J. S., Kennedy, M., Kumsta, R., Knights, N., Golm, D., Rutter, M., . . . Kreppner, J. (2017). Child-to-adult neurodevelopmental and mental health trajectories after early life deprivation: the young adult follow-up of the longitudinal English and Romanian Adoptees study. The Lancet, 389(10078), 1539–1548.

The time-course of sentence meaning composition. N400 effects of the interaction between context-induced and lexically stored affordances

Werning, 2017

Cosentino, E., Baggio, G., Kontinen, J., & Werning, M. (2017). The Time-Course of Sentence Meaning Composition. N400 Effects of the Interaction between Context-Induced and Lexically Stored Affordances. Frontiers in Psychology, 8, 813.

Reading words hurts: The impact of pain sensitivity on people’s ratings of pain-related words

Werning, 2017

Reuter, K., Werning, M., Kuchinke, L, & Cosentino, E. (2017). Reading Words Hurts: The impact of pain sensitivity on people’s ratings of pain-related words. Language and Cognition 9 (3), 553-567. DOI:10.1017/langcog.2016.29

The interaction of Bayesian pragmatics and lexical semantics in linguistic interpretation: Using event-related potentials to investigate hearers’ probabilistic predictions

Werning, 2017

Werning, M., & Cosentino, E. (2017). The interaction of Bayesian pragmatics and lexical semantics in linguistic interpretation: Using event-related potentials to investigate hearers’ probabilistic predictions. In: G. Gunzelmann, A. Howes, T. Tenbrink, & E. Davelaar (Eds.), Annual Conference of the Cognitive Science Society 39, 3504-3509.

Stress and memory retrieval: mechanisms and consequences

Wolf, 2017

Wolf, O. T. (2017). Stress and memory retrieval: mechanisms and consequences. Current Opinion in Behavioral Sciences, 14, 40–46.