Description: Our minds possess the capacity to perceive our surroundings (visually, acoustically, etc.), but also the capacity to think and cognize, and the capacity to feel and being emotionally affected. An interesting and much-debated question is how perception and cognition interact. Does cognition penetrate and alter our perceptual uptake of the environment? And if yes, how? Beside cognitive penetration, there is an intriguing and much-less discussed question of whether affective… » read more
Marya Schechtman (University of Illinois) We’ll always have Paris: Memory, affect, and personal identity. 12.11.2020, 16:15-17:45 CET (UTC+01:00). Online Lecture via zoom. Login information: Zoom: meeting ID: 829 7050 5769 password: 8rraW0 Abstract: This paper explores an idea, commonly expressed in everyday life, that memories are “treasures” to be stored away and enjoyed later, cherished possessions, which are “ours forever”. The central task is to understand better what it… » read more
James Openshaw (University of Warwick) Remembering objects and imagining the past. 05.11.2020, 10:00-11:30 CET (UTC+01:00). Online Lecture via zoom. Login information: Zoom: meeting ID: 829 7050 5769 password: 8rraW0 Abstract: Taxonomies of memory typically come with ontological baggage. Episodic memory supports the recollection of experienced events, semantic memory of facts, and so on. Where does the recollection of objects fit into this picture? Of course, one can recall an… » read more
Johannes Mahr (Harvard University) What is the function of episodic memory? 29.10.2020, 16:15-17:45 CET (UTC+01:00) Online Lecture via zoom Login information: Zoom: meeting ID: 951 4680 7125 password: 631879 Abstract: Accounts of episodic memory function differ according to whether they target ‘memory’ or ‘remembering’. While ‘memory’ refers to the capacity to encode, store, and retrieve information (a ‘preservative’, ‘diachronic’ activity), ‘remembering’ describes the psychological activity of generating a representation… » read more
Katherine Puddifoot (Durham University) Mnemonic injustice. 22.10.2020, 10:00-11:30 CEST (UTC+02:00) Online Lecture via zoom Login information: Zoom: meeting ID: 829 7050 5769 password: 8rraW0
Peter Langland-Hassan (University of Cincinnati) What sort of imagining might remembering be? 15.10.2020, 16:15-17:45 CEST (UTC+02:00) Online Lecture via zoom Login information: Zoom: meeting ID: 829 7050 5769 password: 8rraW0