Felipe De Brigard (Duke University) Times imagined and remembered. 26.11.2020, 16:15-17:45 CET (UTC+01:00). Online Lecture via zoom. Login information: Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82970505769?pwd=NGpHL3VHUUg0bktTbnBIT2kxMWVYZz09 Meeting ID: 829 7050 5769 Password: 8rraW0 Abstract: Recent evidence suggests that episodic memory, episodic counterfactual and episodic future thinking share common cognitive and neural mechanisms. Some researchers interpret these findings as supporting the more general claim that these three kinds of mental simulation recruit common neural structures because… » read more
Anja Berninger (Universität Stuttgart) Collective memory, emotions and commitments. 19.11.2020, 10:00-11:30 CET (UTC+01:00). Online Lecture via zoom. Login information: Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82970505769?pwd=NGpHL3VHUUg0bktTbnBIT2kxMWVYZz09 Meeting ID: 829 7050 5769 Password: 8rraW0 Abstract: It is a relatively common claim both in history and cultural studies that not only individuals, but also large groups of people such as religious communities or whole nations have some form of memory. Thus, for example, it is suggested that… » read more
Christoph Hoerl (University of Warwick) Perspective-taking in time. 13.11.2020, 14:00-15:30 CET (UTC+01:00). Online Lecture via zoom. Login information: Zoom: https://ruhr-uni-bochum.zoom.us/j/93607143813?pwd=d1A1QVhydTFkNnpHK2xrWHh2MEg1dz09 Meeting ID: 936 0714 3813 Password: 374170 Abstract: Episodic memory can be thought of as involving a form of temporal perspective-taking. The remember imaginatively occupies a point in time in the past. This is also sometimes referred to as mental time travel. I will offer some reflections on what this… » read more
Description: Our minds possess the capacity to perceive our surroundings (visually, acoustically, etc.), but also the capacity to think and cognize, and the capacity to feel and being emotionally affected. An interesting and much-debated question is how perception and cognition interact. Does cognition penetrate and alter our perceptual uptake of the environment? And if yes, how? Beside cognitive penetration, there is an intriguing and much-less discussed question of whether affective… » read more
Marya Schechtman (University of Illinois) We’ll always have Paris: Memory, affect, and personal identity. 12.11.2020, 16:15-17:45 CET (UTC+01:00). Online Lecture via zoom. Login information: Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82970505769?pwd=NGpHL3VHUUg0bktTbnBIT2kxMWVYZz09 meeting ID: 829 7050 5769 password: 8rraW0 Abstract: This paper explores an idea, commonly expressed in everyday life, that memories are “treasures” to be stored away and enjoyed later, cherished possessions, which are “ours forever”. The central task is to understand better what it… » read more
James Openshaw (University of Warwick) Remembering objects and imagining the past. 05.11.2020, 10:00-11:30 CET (UTC+01:00). Online Lecture via zoom. Login information: Zoom: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82970505769?pwd=NGpHL3VHUUg0bktTbnBIT2kxMWVYZz09 meeting ID: 829 7050 5769 password: 8rraW0 Abstract: Taxonomies of memory typically come with ontological baggage. Episodic memory supports the recollection of experienced events, semantic memory of facts, and so on. Where does the recollection of objects fit into this picture? Of course, one can recall an… » read more