
2nd Bochum – Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais (RUB-UFMG) Workshop in Philosophy of Mind and of Cognitive Science

20 September14:30 – 15:30 Albert Newen (RUB) – The ALARM theory of consciousness: a two-level theory of phenomenal consciousness.Commentator: Carlos Barth (UFMG) 15:30 – 16:30 Daniel Debarry (UFMG) – Rational capacities in perceptionCommentator: Alfredo Vernazzani (RUB) 21 September14:30 – 15:30 Ernesto Perini (UFMG) – Thinking about (and beyond) ‘you’Commentator: Julia Wolf (RUB) 15:30 – 16:30 Sabrina Coninx (RUB) – A Multidimensional phenomenal space for pain: structure, primitiveness, and utilityCommentator: Marco… » read more

„Bridging grant”
for BA-, MA- and PhD students

The German Society for Cognitive Science (GK) would like to support students who find themselves in a difficult (emergency) situation caused by the Corona pandemic with a bridging grant.The grant consists a funding for maximum of three months á 500 € per month. The GK is able to offer six to eight grants. The grant is meant as financial support allowing to finish the respective degree (Bachelor or Master) or… » read more

Albert Newen (Philosophy, RUB), Philosophie der Pandemie: Was ist eine Pandemie und wie können wir sie kognitiv adäquat verstehen?

Mittwoch, 16. Juni 2021, 18.15 – 19.45Online Vortrag via zoom: Link: 848 1996 8872Passcode: edHkh6 Vortrag organisiert in Zusammenarbeitdes Instituts für Philosophie II mit derFachschaft Philosophie

Graduiertenkolleg verlängert

Die zentralen Eigenschaften unserer geistigen Fähigkeiten Das interdisziplinäre Graduiertenkolleg „Situierte Kognition“, bestehend aus Wissenschaftler*innen in Philosophie und Kognitionswissenschaften, geht in die zweite Förderphase. Die Deutsche Forschungsgemeinschaft stellt für die Verlängerung bis 2026 rund 3,5 Millionen Euro zur Verfügung. Hauptziel des Kollegs ist es, die Defizite bisheriger Konzepte von Geist und Kognition herauszuarbeiten und eine neue Beschreibung und Erklärung kognitiver Fähigkeiten zu entwickeln. Das bi-lokale Kolleg lebt von der intensiven Zusammenarbeit… » read more

How philosophy can change the understanding of pain

A German-Canadian research team is calling for a more comprehensive approach. Dr. Sabrina Coninx from Ruhr-Universität Bochum and Dr. Peter Stilwell from McGill University, Canada, have investigated how philosophical approaches can be used to think in new ways about pain and its management. The researchers advocate not merely reducing chronic pain management to searching and treating underlying physical changes but instead adopting an approach that focuses on the person as… » read more

Fourth Bochum Early Career Researchers Workshop in Philosophy of Mind and Cognitive Science

Fourth Bochum Early Career Researcher Workshop has a call for papers open! The workshop is an annual event by and for graduate students and early career researchers. It is a platform where people entering the academic job market have the opportunity not only for in-depth feedback on their work, but also for personal engagement and career advice from respected senior academics. Submissions are invited from PhD students or researchers who… » read more