
Understanding: One or Many?

18. – 20.07.2023 Institut für Philosophie II, Ruhr-Universität Bochum Mercator Raum GAFO 04/187 Description While understanding has recently become the object of intense debate among philosophers, it remains an open question how to make sense of different forms of understanding. These include scientific understanding (e.g. understanding scientific theories, phenomena, models, etc.), moral understanding (e.g. understanding other people, understanding political subjects, etc.), aesthetic understanding (e.g. understanding an artwork, like a novel or painting,… » read more

Theory of Attention and Artificial Intelligence: Ideational Preparation Is All You Need – Deep Learning Meets William James’ Theory of Attention

Tuesday, 27.6.2023:  14.30-16.00 Uhr, Location (hybrid): GA 04/187 Mercatorraum und online via Zoom: Prof. Cameron Buckner, University of Houston (USA) Fellow-Lecture Theory of Attention and Artificial Intelligence: Ideational Preparation Is All You Need – Deep Learning Meets William James’ Theory of Attention Abstract:  Deep learning is a research area in computer science that has over the last ten years produced a series of transformative breakthroughs in artificial intelligence—creating systems… » read more

Applications of Predictive Processing: Two talks by fellows of the Center for Mind & Cognition

10:30: Barbara Tillmann (Laboratory for Research on Learning and Development, Université de BourgognePredictions in music, speech and beyond 11:30: Sam Wilkinson (Department of Sociology, Philosophy and Anthropology, University of ExeterBasic control in cognition and psychopathology 31st May 2023 in GA 2/41 and online Meeting-ID: 639 5501 4921Passwort: 313364

Bochum-Rutgers Workshop 2023

Monday, June 5th – Tuesday, June 6th, 2023 RUB, Sitzungszimmer HG(Seminar room in the mensa building / level of the Café bar)Keynotes online via Zoom Organizers: Brian McLaughlin (Rutgers, New Brunswick, Dept. of Philosophy), Sen Cheng (RUB, Institute for Neuroinformatics), and Albert Newen (RUB, Institute of Philosophy II) Monday, June 5th, 2023   DAY 1: Philosophy of Language, Mind and Science Chair person:    Robert Matthews, Rutgers 9:10 – 9:15        Welcome… » read more

Understanding the Mind: 3rd RUB-UFMG Workshop in Philosophy of Mind and of Cognitive Science

In the 3rd RUB-UFMG Workshop in Philosophy of Mind and of Cognitive Science, philosophers from the Ruhr-Universität Bochum and the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais will discuss topics that include mind-body dualism, predictive processing and consciousness, the interface between perception and action, and conceptualism about perceptual content.  Each talk lasts for 30′ followed by a 10′ commentary and an open Q&A of 20′. The workshop is an online event. All… » read more