Workshop: Mental Files in Philosophy and Psychology: Merits and Limits

5-6 December 2024

Ruhr-University Bochum, Venue: SSC 2/148


Thursday December 5th

Lunch:  12.-00-13.30 (meeting at north main entrance of the building GA at11:55, see description)

Start Workshop:  13.30

Talk 1: 13.30-14.30 Francois Recanati, Collège de France: Reference Through Indexed Files

Break: 14.30 – 14.45

Talk 2:  14.45 – 15.45 Julia Wolf, Ruhr-Universität Bochum: Files, Links and Indexes – The Development of Perspective Taking in the Mental Files Framework

Break: 15.45-16.15

Talk 3: 16.15-17.15 Francesco Marchi, Ruhr-Universität Bochum: The A-B-C of believing – Part 1: A constructive account of beliefs

Dinner: 18.30

Friday December 6th 

Talk 4:   9.00-10.00 Albert Newen, Ruhr-Universität Bochum: The A-B-C of believing – Part 2: Mental files as mediating beliefs and the memory-attention systems

Break:  10.00-10.15

Talk 5:   10.15-11.15 Joulia Smortchkova, Université Grenoble Alpes (UGA) & Michael Murez, Collège de France & Nantes Université: First Impressions and person-files

Break:  11.15-11.30

Talk 6: 11.30-12.30 Christian Scholz, Ruhr-Universität Bochum: Modelling Aphantasia Competency in the Mental Files Framework

Lunch: 12.30-13.45

Talk 7:  13.45-14.45 Josef Perner, Universität Salzburg: The Developmental Impact of Managing Coreferential Files

Scientific Organization: Francesco Marchi, Albert Newen, Julia Wolf

Please register: Attendance is free, but we have limited seats and, thus, registration is mandatory for in person participation only. To register, please, send an email to (Venue details will be send then)

The workshop is part of the DFG funded D-A-CH project “Structure and Development of Understanding Reasons and Actions” (PIs: T. Schlicht, A. Newen, H.-J. Glock, J. Perner)
