
Vortragsreihe: “Wie wir die Welt sehen – Philosophie und Kognition”

Die Vortragsreihe „Wie wir die Welt sehen – Philosophie und Kognition“ startet am 1. Oktober 2019 um 18 Uhr im Blue Square, Kortumstraße 90, 44787 Bochum. Der Eintritt ist frei, eine Anmeldung nicht erforderlich. Danach gibt es jeweils am ersten Dienstag eines Monats einen Vortrag zu einem anderen Aspekt der Wahrnehmung.

Memory retrieval as a dynamic and reconstructive process

Prof. Dr Maria Wimber (University of Birmingham) Cognitive Science Lecture Series 08.11.2019, 14:00-15:00, RUB Mercatorraum (GA 04/187)

Mental Representations in a Mechanical World. The State of the Debate in Philosophy of Mind and Philosophy of Science

28.-29.11.2019, RUB, Veranstaltungszentrum, Saal 4 This workshop investigates the status of representations in a mechanical account of the mind and cognition. One core question will be whether the status of neural and mental representation is equally problematic. While sub-personal phenomena seem to be less resistant to mechanistic explanation, many personal-level mental phenomena seem to be “representation hungry”. The burden of argument seems to be on the side of the mechanists to show… » read more

EuroCogSci 2019
Situated Minds & Flexible Cognition

02. – 04.09.2019 (Ruhr-University Bochum) The European Conference for Cognitive Science 2019 will feature contributed papers, symposia, and posters covering all subfields of cognitive science, and will bring together a large number of experts from Europe and overseas. Keynote Speakers:Lawrence Barsalou (University of Glasgow) Julia Fischer (Universität Göttingen) Patrick Haggard (UCL, London) Asifa Majid (University of York) Brian McLaughlin (Rutgers University) Natalie Sebanz (CEU, Hungary) John Spencer (University of East… » read more

CFP Summer School: ‘Recent Developments in Situated Cognition – Empirical and Philosophical Investigations’

23. – 26.09.2019 (Ruhr-University Bochum) The Research Training Group ‘Situated Cognition’ invites applications for this year’s summer school. The summer school aims to provide state-of-the-art scientific and research-oriented training on recent developments in situated approaches to cognition in various research fields such as philosophy, psychology, and neuroscience. The Research Training Group invites highly promising doctoral students and early postdoctoral researchers from European and overseas universities and research institutions. The open… » read more

Call for Fellowships: Winter Term 2019-2020 & Summer Term 2020

Deadline for applications: May 31st, 2019 The Center for Mind and Cognition is a platform at the Ruhr-University Bochum that aims to foster interdisciplinary research at the intersection of philosophy, psychology, psychiatry, computational modelling, neuroscience and other areas of cognitive research in engineering, law and educational research. We are pleased to announce an international call for fellowships from September 1st 2019 until July 31st 2020 aimed at outstanding researchers.