Psychopathology and the ‘Scaling Up’ Problem 

Zoom Conference 

15.00-17.30 (CET), October 5-7, 2020 

This conference will focus upon the extent to which phenomenological and enactive accounts of psychopathology are, or must be, ‘representation hungry’. Whilst explicitly anti-cognitivist phenomenological and enactive accounts of psychopathology are present in the literature, very little work has been carried out on discerning the extent to which they require the positing of representation. This is somewhat surprising, because ‘representation hungry’ cognition (thought, imagery, hallucination) plays a prominent role in most psychopathologies. The aim of the conference is to fill this gap by determining whether the concept “representation” is helpful, harmful, or irrelevant to understanding (phenomenological and enactive accounts of) psychopathology. 

Participation in the conference is free, but please do e-mail Adrian Downey ( in order to register for the conference and so receive the Zoom Meeting ID and password. 


Sanneke de Haan (Tilburg University) 

Adrian Downey (Ruhr Universitӓt Bochum) 

Regina Fabry (Ruhr Universitӓt Bochum) 

Shaun Gallagher (University of Memphis) 

Annemarie Kalis (Utrecht University) 

Julian Kiverstein (University of Amsterdam) 

Further Information 


Adrian Downey and Tobias Schlicht 

Institute for Philosophy II 

Ruhr-Universität Bochum, Germany