
New DFG-Research Group: Scenarios of the past

A new research group headed by Prof. Sen Cheng from the Institute of Neuroinformatics and founded by the German Research Foundation will start in July 2019 at the Ruhr-University Bochum. The research group aims to develop a theory of episodic memory based on scenarios, i.e. mental simulations of past events.

IGSN / SFB 874 Conference – Molecular and Neural Correlates of Memory and Cognition

09. – 10.04.2019 (Ruhr University Bochum) The ‘International Graduate School of Neuroscience’ and the SFG 874 ‘Integration and Representation of Sensory Processes’ invite to the conference ‘Molecular and Neural Correlates of Memory and Cognition’.

CFP Phenomenal Intentionality

02. – 03.07.2019 (Ruhr-University Bochum) Workshop with Angela Mendelovici, David Bourget, Amy Kind & David Pitt This workshop focuses on the work of Angela Mendelovici (Western University, London Ontario). She will give three talks and present her Phenomenal Intentionality Theory, challenges to it, and new form following up on the theory as presented in her book The Phenomenal Basis of Intentionality. Further keynote speakers are David Bourget (Western University, London… » read more

Rudolf-Carnap-Lectures 2019

Mental Representation & Propositional Attitudes Keynote Speakers:Frances Egan (Rutgers)Robert Matthews (Rutgers) Keynote Talks:1. Representation in Cognitive Science2. Glossing the Theory: Recovering the Person 3. Some Bad News for Relationalism about the Attitudes4. A Case for Dispositionalism about the Attitudes Organization:Albert Newen, Tobias SchlichtInstitute for Philosophy IIRuhr-Universität