Bei dieser Studie brauchten die Testpersonen viel Mut, etwas ganz Neues auszuprobieren. Zu wissenschaftlichen Zwecken ließen sie sich hypnotisieren. Ausgangspunkt für die Untersuchungen war eine Frage von Prof. Dr. Albert Newen. Der Philosoph und Leiter des „Center for Mind and Cognition“ an der RUB wollte wissen, ob alle Menschen, soweit sie funktionierende Sinne und ein gesundes Hirn haben, stets dasselbe wahrnehmen. Schaut man beispielsweise auf ein geschlossenes Laptop, so ist… » read more
Arnaud D’Argembeau (Department of Psychology, University of Liège) 28.04.2020 – 16.00 – 17.00 – (lecture, followed by an extended discussion) Online Lecture via zoom Login information: ZOOM: Meeting ID: 388 855 144 Password: 012872 Abstract: The ability to decouple from the present to explore other times – mental time travel – is a central feature of the human mind. Research in cognitive psychology and neuroscience has shown that personal… » read more
Prof. Robert Goldstone (Indiana University Bloomington, USA)16.03.2020 – 14.00 – (lecture, followed by an extended discussion)RUB, GA 04/187 (Mercatorraum) Abstract: By one account, formal thought in mathematics and science requires developing deep construals that run counter to perception. This approach draws an opposition between superficial perception and principled understanding. In this talk, I advocate the converse strategy of grounding scientific and mathematical reasoning in perception and action. Relatively sophisticated reasoning… » read more
Kenneth Holstein Ph.D. (Carnegie Mellon, Pittsburgh, USA) 04.03.2020 – 10.00 – 11.00 – GA 03/42 All members of the Center for Mind and Cognition and all Master students (Cognitive Science) are cordially invited to join us for the opening lecture. If you are interested in further sessions as part of the workshop, please send a short registration via mail to
Prof. Dr. Heidi Maibom (University of Cincinnati) 11.03.2020, 4:15 pm – RUB, GA 3/143 We have all been told to take another person’s perspective at times. Common sense holds that this makes a difference to our understanding of others. But in recent years, philosophers such as Peter Goldie have argued that it is impossible to replicate another’s experience by pretending to be them in their situation. And the psychological evidence… » read more
Prof. Paul Verschure, SPECS-Lab, UPC Barcelona, Spain Cognitive Science Lecture Series 27. Januar 2020, 16:00 – RUB Mercatorraum (GA 04/187)